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Monday, April 22, 2013

Hantu Laut : KKO Marinir Indonesia (The ghost of sea : Indonesian Marine Corps)

Indonesian Marine Corps…. I bought this book in 2012… why do I have to buy book that talk about military ??? yeah, cause in that year, I sign for Indonesian Navy test, and I wish I could be the Indonesian Marine corps… but, do you know what, right after I step on signing room floor, there was sergeant talk to me.. “hey son, what are you doing here ???!!!” , and I said “I want to sign as a Navy sir!” (with a military style)… and then that soldier observing me, from my head to my feet…. And then he said “you really want to be Navy ???” I answered directly “Sir yes sir!” … and everything became sooooo quite… then, suddenly, that soldier shout to me “DO YOU KNOW HOW FAT ARE YOU??!!!!GET OUT!!!” , me : $#@$#@%$#%@%@$@$#@...
FYI : in that time, my body size was 165cm and 70kg

Hahaha… that my story about this book… but, let’s see this book review… hmmm of course this book talk about marine (c’mon bro, we knew it just from the tittle) :p haha… okay, let’s talk seriously, this book tell the story from the beginning of Indonesian marine, from the first Indonesian Navy organization called BKR Laut, the first Indonesian Marine was born, also known as the Commando Corps (Korps Komando)… but before the Independence era (in time when Holland rule Indonesia) they also has a Marine corps called Koninklijk Marine (KM), an then became Corps Mariniers.

March 1946, Corps Mariniers under command from Lieutenant Mukidjat, have an open fight in Semarang city when they want to stop the infiltration operation from Holland army, in this time, Corps Mariniers was tested for the first time.

Another story from Indonesian Marine Corps is, around 1965 right after G30S/PKI (the rebellion of Indonesian communist party) this corps reputation was extremely down, because everybody knew Indonesian Marine is the most loyal corps to president Soekarno than the other corps in Indonesian Millitary at that time, there was conspiracy said that president Soekarno is the man who support Communism to rule Indonesia ( I never trust it )…

After Indonesia enter the new era (Soeharto era) also known as “new orde” … Indonesian Marine never show up their reputation,  but during the Seroja operation (Millitary operation to integrate East Timor to Indonesia) at 1975, Indonesian Marine show their power, became the main power in that battle.

Right after the chaos during Indonesian revolution at 1998, Indonesian Marine just like get a recovery, in the middle of riot in Jakarta, Indonesian Marine turning down the demonstrator anger against government…

There more story about Indonesian Marine in this book, by reading this book, I feel like I was part of the marine (even I never became a marine because fail the test) hahahahaha….

See you in another Book review
(by the way, this is my first blog , haha)


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